Wakesurfing in Amsterdam

Wakesurfing - Surf on an endless wave behind our board!

The secret to successful wakesurfing lies in finding the right balance between utilizing the waves created by the boat and maintaining your own balance.

Wakesurfing is suitable for both beginners and experienced surfers. It offers a calmer and more relaxed experience compared to traditional surfing. Moreover, you'll quickly get a sense of what real surfing feels like!

Experience wakesurfing! Book a session now!

Wakesurfing in Amsterdam


How does wakesurfing work?

It starts with a specially designed wakesurfboard, which is smaller than a traditional surfboard and often has smaller fins. You begin on the board while being towed behind a boat by a rope (similar to wakeboarding). Once you're in the right position, you let go of the rope and continue surfing on the wave created by the boat. It's a beautiful way to experience the feeling of freedom and surfing.

The ultimate endless wave!

Once you've mastered the art of wakesurfing, you're ready to conquer that endless wave. The ultimate surfing feeling! Hang loose!

Did you get exicited?

We offer the option to book wakesurfing directly through our website. Please use the booking tool on our website for that purpose.

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Wakesurfing in Amsterdam


New in Amsterdam!


Wakesurfing in Amsterdam 〰️ New in Amsterdam! 〰️


A Fun Fact about Wakesurfing

Did you know that wakesurfing originated in the 1960s in California? Surfers started experimenting with riding the wake of boats without a rope. They sought a way to surf on the boat's wave, thus creating a new sport. Today, wakesurfing is popular worldwide, and now you can experience it yourself in Amsterdam!

Wakesurfing is something you have to experience! It's a super fun activity with your colleagues (team outing) or friends!

Looking to wakesurf with a group of friends? Or searching for a unique team outing with your colleagues or just a fun day out? Wakesurfing is an exciting experience. The endless wave created by the boat will put you in a surf rush! :-)

Book a wakesurf session in Amsterdam now and experience it for yourself!

Use our reservation tool to book your spot.

Once you start wakesurfing on that endless wave, you never want to stop! Highly recommended!
— Mark